Ready for the river!
Check this out, Uncle Mike and Uncle Terry. Her very first river hat! Simone is already gearing up for her first annual trip to the Delaware River to become an official River Rat. The Carlton side of the family spends a few days each summer paddling down the river, bringing together uncles and cousins from six states. Simone won't be allowed to paddle until she can swim, but she hopes to join some of her new little cousins on the river's edge. Any takers?
Looks to me like the left hand is ready to grip a canoe paddle. By the way, River Rats, the tentative dates for this year's 25th anniversary edition of "the trip" is 15, 16, and 17 July. If Baby Simone is coming I don't want to hear any excuses from anyone else.
Simone looks river ready!! What fun it will be to have the 25th year with some tiny new additions! I can just picture the tiny harmonicas, tiny camping chairs and tiny tents....
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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