Friday, January 20, 2006

Simone's big day with the Judge

Well, it's official, Simone is now legally a Fernandez. Today at 9:00 A.M. Becca, Simone and I (along with Wes, MaryKathryn and Harrison) walked into Judge Mannis' chambers and I legally became Simone's second parent. Simone was silent throughout the hearing, except for a piercing wail when Judge Mannis suggested we should force her to move out by the age of 28! Becca and I were moved to tears several times as the emotions of the day overwhelmed us. We are so grateful that we were able to have Simone legally adopted and our family made more secure. Not all families are so lucky. Pay attention to your legislators and do your part to ensure that other children are able to enjoy the same legal security that Simone does.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Siblings & Simone

The Carlton/Carlton-Humenik/Humenik sibs were in town this last week. A good time was had by all. Not only did everyone help with Simone but numerous projects were also accomplished. Scott and Robb even put together the SUV of strollers with only Swedish directions.

Simone has been smiling away and Jess started her on baby exercises. Jess you'll be happy to know we are still doing the bicep curls as well as the others.

Oh by the way, Robb was adament that he would not hold any baby until its head stopped bobbing. Well, Simone was too cute for even Robb to resist. I have included proof.